
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

First days of solids.. yay!!

Yesterday was the first day Rafael started on solids, and as recommended, I mixed a little fortified iron- baby cereal with his milk. He took it on almost immediately, apparently interested with the bright-colored eating utensils, and he latched onto the spoon quite eagerly even though he didn't quite know how to eat yet... I found it very amusing... taking a picture was a pain though, while trying to feed him at the same time... but all mothers are multi-tasker, no? *grins*

No pictures, please!!

So, in short, he ended up eating, or more aptly, eating while 'blowing' about 7 teaspoons of his porridge-like cereal before he seemed contented, and within the next half hour, he fell asleep. You wouldn't believe that the nap that followed was almost...3 hours? he only yelled out for a nappy change in between, and was sleeping quite soundly until his next feed, which didn't happen until almost 5 hours later! - I was a little worried there...

No dramas and no fuss, his first day of eating solid (though he didn't do no.2 due to less quantity of food), was a breezy affair, I almost regretted not starting it earlier, he he heh.. but apparently it's better not to start too early if the bub has skin allergy or some sort; and my boy does have quite a sensitive skin.. he got eczema, followed by mild rash that seems to linger around most of the time, due to his excessive finger-eating habits. But his skin is getting better; I'd say we hardly ever touch the cortizone cream a few days after the eczema worsened. Then it took an upward turn for the better, thank God!

Anyway, him eating cereal got the planner in me quite excited, so I did up a whole month of menu planned for him, even going as far as scheduling when to buy certain variety of fruits and vegetables for him. Premature perhaps, but I couldn't help it... ^_^ 

While I was at it, I got my multi-steamer-blender for baby food, and it's not Avent's. (Avent's is very good, I hear, though the price tag is a little steep at around $280?) I ordered mine online, it's called Cherub baby, an Australian brand, and costs around $125. The brand itself doesn't really matter as long as it delivers, so, I'll see if this works well. At the moment, since I haven't got the multi-blender yet, I'll plan for easy to puree veggies & fruits. Banana, avocado, apple and pear are high on my list right now..