
Friday, October 29, 2010

Not quite a greenthumb

I'd like to think that I'm a bit of  a green thumb, but so far I have yet to prove that I have a talent in gardening. Just recently I became more interested in tidying up and beautifying the backyard (probably due to the fact that the lawn is very patchy and the vegetation pretty much dying.. ^_~, but that's beside the point). So Bunnings and I naturally became close friends... I go there so often that I'm sure pretty soon the shop assistants there will be offering me a discount card or Bunnings' platinum membership card, if they have any...

Well, this story went back a few weeks ago, that's when Spring is in the air and all the pretty flowers are in bloom. Before, I always enjoy looking at a well-manicured and well-kept gardens, *the keyword here is looking* not doing it on my own.. Not for someone who hates insects so much like me, nu-uh! But this particular Spring I suddenly have this urge to try my hands on gardening. What causes it? I really don't know, I just blame it on my pregnancy hormones...

So to cut long story short, I started buying a pot of hydrangeas, lawn feeder, lots of potting mix and mulch, and so on. Diligently I toiled on early mornings and late afternoons to revive my backyard that has been wasted for a long time (my Dad is the only person who cares about the garden enough to mow the lawn and water the garden, but he's not always around...). I hand-watered the lot, replanted & threw away dead plants, and hacked the weeds & moss in-between the paved stones and on the lawn.

Today I look at the backyard and saw some improvements, thankfully, (though the lawn is barely surviving still) and my hydrangeas are blooming beautifully :) The pear, apple & plum trees that my Dad planted a while ago also seem to be thriving, and started bearing little buds of fruits now because of the regular watering & the food compost that I collect daily, all safely buried under the soil. Perhaps sometime next month we could even be harvesting the fruits!

As my pregnancy advances, I do less, even though there are so much still to be done in the garden. If it were up to me, I'd cut down some trees too! ^_^ oh well, it'll have to wait until after the arrival of the bub, maybe then I can further develop these set of not quite a green-thumb of mine!