
Thursday, April 7, 2011

something to think about...

One who says parenting was easy must have been somebody who hasn't been there before.  I've seen seemingly all good and rosy stories around parenting that would lead you to believe that parenting is a smooth sailing journey. I tell you, even a rookie parent like me would attest to that. (well, especially a rookie parent like me :P ) How about the late night hours? the countless nappies and breast-feedings/ bottle washing? and those are just the beginnings..

However, as I watch over my baby son sleep tonight, my frame of mind has changed considerably. Sometimes we have much, (way too) much to complain, but after stumbling upon this blog this afternoon, I don't think I would complain ever again. 

This is a beautifully written little blog that expresses honest emotions, dealing with grief and death. I admit I cried copiously after back-reading the entries. Heart-breaking story with bittersweet notes to it, this blog is a poignant reminder of how precious and fragile life is, and that true love conquers all.

cherish what we have today, for today may be our last...